Support for Younger People (18+)
Helping you enjoy your university experience!
When we are supporting students, we strive to induce a positive outlook and independence pushing them to enjoy as full a university life as they wish. Your carer will assist and encourage you as much as you wish them to without looking to control your time.
The carer can help you attend lectures, as well as supporting in a domestic capacity and sensitive personal care. University life is full of many different social activities that play a big part in the university experience and it is our aim to ensure you make the most of your time, our support worker will help you attend any social events you wish and support you to make sure you have the best time.
We try to have one support worker throughout the academic year, so you can feel comfortable and secure with your support. They will work to your time frame and studies so that there is as little disruption to your daily routines as possible. As with all our services your Care plan is tailored to your lifestyle and your specific needs so that you can focus on your studies and getting the most out of your university experience. We try to pair our support workers who have similar interests and personalities who can bond with you and become more of a friend than support.
Our teams work with the university so that everything you need is in place – finding the right accommodation to match your needs and ensuring that any equipment is installed and available for you to use. We will contact all the relevant staff members and departments on your behalf.